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About Duduk.Rocks

I was compelled to set up Duduk.Rocks by individuals and organizations that fail to respect the Armenian national instrument, the Duduk. They often sell decorative or substandard instruments and mouthpieces as so-called professional Duduks on various online and offline platforms. My deep connection to my homeland and my commitment to preserving and promoting the unique Duduk instrument drive me to run Duduk.Rocks. Our mission is to ensure the authentic representation and appreciation of this beautiful, traditional instrument.


Discover our carefully selected range of genuine duduks, handcrafted by skilled artisans to guarantee top-notch quality and authenticity. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, we offer a variety of duduks tailored to your needs. Each instrument is meticulously crafted, preserving the rich traditions passed down through generations.


Become a part of our lively community of duduk enthusiasts! Stay informed about upcoming events, workshops, and concerts that celebrate the enchanting beauty of the duduk. Connect with like-minded individuals, exchange stories, and dive deep into the captivating world of this extraordinary instrument.

”Duduk is not only a musical instrument; duduk is soul and sense. Duduk is
a collective symphony that comes from melodic modulation of sentiments.”

Aram Khatchatryan